Let’s create unique virtual spaces to gather your community & feel connected.

we provide everything you need to have a unique experience on gather.town

do you need a fully customized space? spaces that reflect your wishes, aesthetics or brand needs? at common we do everything for you.

in the last year, we have been challenged to live, work, socialize, and homeschool — all within the confines of our homes. what are some of the ways to overcome physical distance to feel connected we can use? we know them.

we have dedicated more than 15 years to creations that fluctuate between architecture, design, and the study of social forms of life. after working for several companies in Europe and the US, we know there is a need for creating an engaging virtual space without sacrificing the quality of the designs and, where your team can collaborate in a productive way, a customized space to meet your clients, celebrate that event where your sponsors feel special or celebrate the wedding of your dreams.

we are born to create that common world for you.

it would be great to be in a virtual space where the virtual part doesn't feel like a plan b. right?